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一家服装店;A clothing store;英[ kl? st(r)];美[ klo str];a clothing store;a clothing shop

一家服装店的雇员Sitra Walker只在那工作了两个星期,然而她觉得自己和经理已经熟到可以开玩笑的程度了。

Sitra Walker was an employee at a clothing store in Columbus, Ohio. She had only been working there for two weeks, but already she felt that she knew the manager well enough to joke around with him.

她和布赖恩走进一家服装店。She and Brian go into a clothing store.? 他父亲开了一家服装店,以前卡尔顿在周末的时候都会去那里工作。His father owned a clothes store, and Carlton used to work there at the weekend.

丽莎:我也是。这附近有一家服装店。我们下班后去那儿吧。简:听起来不错!Lisa: Me, too. There's a clothes shop near here. Let's go there after work. Jane: Sounds good!

她为一家大服装店设计服装图案。She designs dresses for a large clothing shop.? 另一家高端户外服装店巴塔哥尼亚也遵循同样的原则。Another clothing company, Patagonia, a high-end outdoor clothing store, follows the same principle.

这是一家成年妇女服装店。This is a dress shop for mature women.? 23岁时,她开了一家服装店,并在MTV短命的真人秀节目《都市女孩》(Downtown Girls)中担任主角。She opened a clothing boutique when she was 23 and starred in a short-lived reality show, 'Downtown Girls,' on MTV.

请给出您最近光顾过的一家服装店。Please name a fashion store that you shop in most recently.? 在这条街的尽头有一家服装店。There is a clothes shop at the end of the street.





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